There are countless faces around us painted with different colors of life.Few just stared at me right now .May be they just silently commented on me or were thinking something else.Who knows what mingling of neurons and thoughts is going on inside their minds because what I see is the masked face only.
I can't hear their thoughts because I don't own some mutant power like Edward.
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I really wish that I could have a sneak peak into the minds around me but this wish is as impossible as getting an invisibility cloak.
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Faces express emotions true as well as fake ones.Some expressions come on our faces naturally ,some are controlled ones and some are there just to get attention .But faces can also hide the deepest secrets away from the world.
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For instance just now my class fellow gave me a Cheshire smile and asked me what am I doing.Her face depicted a sweet expression but the naked truth is she is the same girl I heard few seconds before talking really ill about me.But still I answered her that I was working on my next blog while having a fake expression of sweetness .So that's how our faces disguise the reality in a fabricated mask.
Faces mislead us by not expressing the heart's real feelings .Its hard to be a chary person and not to get trapped by the bluffing faces.
Faces express love,sadness ,jealousy,pride,anger, anxiety ,surprise ,embarrassment,care,flirtatiousness, confidence ,tediousness ,audaciousness, disgust ,affection and boredom etc.Our faces can be truculent ,enigmatic and ecstatic too.Blank expression is also a weird mask of face but still interesting one .Its can confuse people,make them curious and can create a whooshing cyclone inside them.Faces also can give you sleepless nights .They can make you go head over heels in love with them or get you ragged over them too.
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OLALALALAL................BLUSHING!!!:-P |
There are important faces,not so important faces and also the ones u hate.Some can also freak the hell out of you and turn into your bloodcurdling nightmares.Faces trigger all kinds of emotions inside you.
Every face has also a tale to tell of itself but what is revealed depends upon the will of master.Gorgeous faces with great features are there and also the ugly ones(BUT PEOPLE SHOULD NEVER BE JUDGED BY THAT).Because there can be a pernicious being hidden behind a urbane face or a gentleman hidden behind a beastly face.
( FREE ADVISE:As its said don't judge a book by its cover so don't ever judge a person by its facial beauty)
Faces can be of our friends, family ,foes, teachers, acquaintances, relatives, lovers or just another face in the crowd.
Another fun face world is :
Addiction for many but its also a way to enjoy the company of different faces.
The only thing which I do and most of us do is to explore the faces in our own ways.Because curious minds of humans can never leave this adventure and cannot resist making theories of there observations.So let faces make your heart tingle and raise high alarms in your brain.